Earth is the only planet known to humans that offers its inhabitants continuity of life. The challenges facing the earth are affecting every resource needed to sustain all living things. Fresh water, clean air, rich soil and temperature moderation are no longer plentiful or even attainable for everyone. This generation is taking action to make the enormous changes needed to reverse climate change and keep this planet habitable for future generations.
“The need to be greener depends on our ability to be cleaner!” Planet harming activities are global and global cleanup is underway in every facet of living which pollutes and destroys the environment. Each person must make the effort for change. This summer is an excellent time to step-up to the responsibly of making a difference and saving the earth.
Where to Begin and Grin
Being eco-friendly is an attainable state of mind. The activities you chose to embrace in everyday living that improve earth can be a win-win for you, your family, the community, and most importantly Mother earth. In Sweden, in 2016, joggers began collecting the plastic bottles and other trash, which littered their pathways. Working out took on an up leveled statis as the environment slowly improved. The feeling of progress against pollution was addictive and soon “Plogging” was born. It is simply the action of jogging and the Swedish word “plocka upp” or pick up. It has spread globally as an excellent way collect the discarded items which litter earth and pollute the water sources. Yes, it is having an impact on the earth, on the person making the effort and on the companies that make the products which most frequently become litter.
How to Plog
Love for jogging offers enormous benefits for sustained health. The objective is to increase your heart rate, lower blood pressure, lessen stress levels, reduce insulin levels, eradicate depression and improve your immune system. How can you accomplish these perks and plog? It’s easy. Pick the trails you love and engage in jogging in the style that challenges you. Then stop for a few minutes and pick up the trash you find. Resume your run or do the pick-up plog at the end of your achieved mileage. As you get into this eco-friendly behavior start small. Pick up one plastic bottle or energy drink can. Then as this trail becomes immaculate search for areas to run in which need to become litter free. To find new surroundings which need to be purged of litter, travel to the places you love and frequent where running is safely do-able and the landscape needs your handwork. Prepare for plogging with well- fitting gloves, and reusable or biodegradable bags. Proactively prepare for driving to varied locations by having full coverage provided by an auto insurance company you trust like Freeway Car Insurance which has been affordably safeguarding drivers for years.
Growing the Plogging Impact
Making an ecological difference begins with taking a single action. Growing that action into a sustainable movement to improve the condition of the earth takes innovation to reach out to others and recruit their involvement. The use of social media is an excellent resource to spotlight not only the action of Plogging, but to inspire others to get involved. Posting with before and after funny and positive videos or selfies, on Facebook, Instagram, TikToc or other platforms, begins a chain of reaction and positive action. Often ploggers post about the contents of the litter they recycle or remove. They encourage others to contact the manufacturers of the energy drink cans and plastic bottles which are gathered in profuse amounts. Calling on packaging companies, fast food restaurant corporations, and others whose products and wrappers are devasting the environs encourages change. Public awareness and target market audience outcry to insist on eco-friendly solutions has an enormous impact on vulnerable corporate imagery and their bottom line.
The Plog Stop and Keeping Plogging Eco-Family Fun
Plogging with your partner kids and extended family can be exhilarating fun. Making the jogging aspect increasing longer in duration yet kid-friendly can be a challenge each member sets for themselves over the summer, or a definite time period to reach a personal goal. Having planned “plog stops” time set aside to pick up litter can become a competition between the younger and older participants or picked teams. Many ploggers challenge each other to find the weirdest or largest item discarded. There is often a reward offered to the participant with the largest filled bag. When you teach the next generation that taking care of the earth is a privileged responsibility of all inhabitants it becomes a natural part of their healthy existence.
Why Plogging is Important – There is No Downside
The National Ocean Service has stated that 80% of the ocean pollutants are derived from the trash on land. 8.8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year. At that rate there will be more trash and plastic in the ocean than fish in the years to come. Plogging is a small step forward in cleaning up the earth. The simple act of picking up trash and disposing of it in the proper recycle, paper, metal or other bin deserves our gratitude and our involvement. In being a plogger the reward is that you are making a difference and if you bag it, bin it, and post about it others will join in. Confucius said, “the man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones!” Ploggers have begun the activity and the movement is growing exponentially.
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